martes, 29 de abril de 2014

miércoles, 9 de abril de 2014

4 Seasons in a year

4 seasons in a yearI can name all 4 do you wanna hear? Let’s get ready and say them all
Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall.
I’m thinking of a season with snowmen and ice  And if you like sledding, it’s very nice. It’s really cold I need my hat and gloves Winter is the season I was thinking of!

I’m thinking of a season where it rains for hours. Which helps the blooming of the brand new flowers. It starts to warm up which I really love Spring is the season I was thinking of!
Now remind me how many seasons there are boys and girls…
4 seasons in a year .I can name all 4 do you wanna hear? Let’s get ready and say them all .Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall.

I’m thinking of a season where we don’t have school. I always play outside in my neighbors pool.The sun is so hot which I really love.Summer is the season I was thinking of!

I’m thinking of a season where I rake for a while. Then I jump into those colored leaves in a big pile!I pick apples and wear sweatshirts which I really love!

4 seasons in a year .I can name all 4 do you wanna hear? Let’s get ready and say them all .Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall.

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

Extra works

Extra works about the Ozone Layer:


Classwork about the Ozone Layer:



I have to mention that David did an awsome Extra work about the Earth, the Atmosphere and the Ozone Layer! Great job David! =)

Hello April


Make a mobile of the solar system. Research the eight planets in our solar system and cut them out in their relative shape in circles or form spheres. Make the sun the center of your mobile. Connect each of the planets their distance from the sun. Hang the solar system in your room! Adjust it so it balances and the planets move around the sun. This mobile will show the size and relationships of the planets in our solar system.


Paula, Jaime, Isa and Alejandro have already finished their planets mobiles!!! Do you like it?

martes, 1 de abril de 2014